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Friday, March 14, 2025
The Emory Wheel

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Why Universities Should Have a Network Monitoring System

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A Network Monitoring System is a good idea regardless of the size of your enterprise. But as you scale to thousands of active users, it takes on new importance. 

In the following article, we'll be talking about the reasons such a system is vital for large-scale enterprises, with a focus on the university standpoint.

Let's begin! 

To Know What You Are Dealing With

Even a small four-year university is going to be logging a ton of traffic and activity on its network.

Establishing a monitoring presence gives you the capability of knowing how many are using your network, what they're using it for, and what vulnerabilities they may be introducing into the ecosystem.  

To Identify Downgraded Use

A number of cloud monitoring tools are now available to track everything from web applications to traffic surges and potential security threats. Any of these elements can lead to downgraded use for the users on your network. 

A university's mission, from a network resources standpoint, should be to give its students the tools to live, study, and communicate with one another in a reliable manner.

When the system takes a hit, you need to know the underlying cause.

To Detect Security Threats

A reliable network monitoring service provider will be able to isolate malware and other security threats that bog down system performance. They also can help you gauge the sensitivity required, be it limited or zero tolerance

To Protect User Data

Compromised user data is a huge and costly problem for large enterprises. Just take a look at the recent $117.5 million settlement Yahoo was forced to pay out due to a data breach. 

Universities see that and have a right to be worried about the activities transpiring on their campus computers. They safeguard the activity of thousands of users, and that places a pretty big target on their backs. 

Students demand and expect better security. Universities should be mindful of this as they implement and evaluate the effectiveness of their monitoring systems.

To Use Resources More Wisely

The college network resource center allows a university to see which web applications are taking up the most space and which ones are in more demand.

Having a monitoring system in place makes it easier to better allocate existing resources to accommodate user activity. 

To Get Good Reporting

Network monitoring allows universities to get the most out of the data they're generating through better reporting.

It also enables them to start tracking details that otherwise might have gone unnoticed. 

To Troubleshoot

Investing in engineering IT services to assist with network monitoring helps to better isolate problems when they do arise.

It lends a university the right talent for addressing the problem without having to overspend on salaries, benefits, and recruiting the right talent. 

Your Network Monitoring System Is Your Ace in the Hole

A Network Monitoring System may not be a requirement for every large-scale enterprise. But universities ignore it at their own peril.

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