Content Warning: This article contains references to sexual assault.
Khegan Meyers (24B) secured the Student Government Association (SGA) presidential seat on March 3, beating MaKenzie Jones (22Ox, 24C) by a thin margin in the runoff election with 613 (50.45%) of the 1,215 votes cast, according to the SGA Elections Board. Jones garnered 602 (59.54%) votes, only 11 fewer votes than Meyers.
Meyers’ faced criticism after he said that SGA should avoid calling Title IX “broken” during the Feb. 22 Wheel Debates. He was later accused of dismissing sexual assault survivors on Fizz, a social media app where users with an Emory University email can anonymously publish text posts, polls and photos. Meyers later defended his words, saying he was inspired by sexual assault activists who told him labeling Title IX as “broken” could discourage survivors from reporting assault to the Title IX office. Jones also condemned the online discourse about Meyers.

The SGA presidential race advanced to a runoff after no candidate received over 50% of the votes in the election on Feb. 27. Out of the 1,239 votes cast, Meyers received 603 (46.63%) votes, while Jones earned 389 (30.78%) votes. Former SGA presidential candidate Rizky Lubis, who was disqualified from the race on Feb. 24 after failing to submit campaign expenditure receipts, received 122 (9.43%) votes, while 170 (13.4%) votes of no confidence were cast.
Jones did not respond for comment by press time.
However, Meyers’ running mate, Andrew Yang (23Ox), lost his respective SGA vice presidential runoff election to Jones’ running mate, Abigail Dubinski (25B). Of the 1,215 votes cast, Dubinski garnered 635 (52.26%) votes. Yang followed behind with 580 (47.73%) votes.
Meyers and Dubinski wrote that they are proud to have won the trust of students in a joint email to the Wheel.
"Although we ran different campaigns, we share the same ideals and vision for Emory: a campus that creates belonging and empowerment for everyone," Meyers and Dubinski wrote. "We hope to keep you updated on our progress as we move toward this vision every day."
Yang wrote in an email to the Wheel that he is happy to see both Meyers and Dubinski win, as they are both “very qualified.”
“It is unfortunate to see neither of the Oxford candidates be elected, but I am happy to be continuing to support Khegan with our initiatives,” Yang wrote. “It’s not the position that matters, but our shared vision and passion that matters.”
The runoff results deviated from the Feb. 27 election, in which Yang earned 603 (46.63%) votes, while Dubinski garnered 461 (35.65%) votes. Former SGA vice presidential candidate Jayden Davis (25B) got last place with 70 (5.41%) votes. The remaining 159 (12.29%) of votes were cast as no confidence.

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Council presidential election also advanced to a runoff, which Michael Chan (22Ox, 24B) won to secure the seat with 177 (54.79%) of the 323 votes cast. Natalia Szalay (24B) received 146 (45.2%) votes.
Chan wrote in an email to the Wheel that he is confident his initiatives will positively impact Goizueta Business School students, noting that he plans to collaborate with Emory Sexual Assault Peer Advocates by the end of the semester to offer sexual assault trainings as junior seminar credit. He also wrote that he wants to institute new sophomore representative and vice president of academics positions on the BBA Council.
“I'm excited and grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact for all Goizueta BBA students, and this is only the start,” Chan wrote. “Together, we can make Goizueta a stronger, more inclusive place for everyone!”
Although she did not earn over 50% to avoid the runoff, Szalay received more votes than Chan in the Feb. 27 election with 160 (46.51%) votes. Chan earned 146 (42.44%) votes. In total, 344 votes were cast in the BBA presidential race.
Szalay did not respond for comment by press time.
Meyers, Dubinski and Chan will join the cohort of recently-elected student government leaders. In the Feb. 27 election, incoming College Council President Neha Murthy (24C) won her race with 551 votes (63.77%) of the 864 votes cast, beating Daniel Nadel’s (25C) 156 (18.05%) votes. Additionally, incoming BBA Council Vice President Liam O’Sullivan (24B) prevailed over his opponent Lily Short (24B) on Feb. 27. Of the 344 votes cast, O’Sullivan secured 179 (52.03%) votes, while Short garnered 106 (30.81%) votes.
The College Council vice presidential position still remains vacant after the only opponent, Muhummad Sami (25C), was disqualified alongside Lubis. College Council opened the position to the student body, with applications closing on March 2. Interviews began on March 3.
If you have experienced sexual assault at Emory University, Title IX resources can be found here and Office of Respect resources can be found here.
If you have experienced sexual assault and are outside of Emory, call the RAINN National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-4673 or visit the online chat hotline here. The Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault can be found here. Grady Rape Crisis Center resources can be found here. Day League resources can be found here.
Update (3/3/23 at 6:20 p.m.): A previous version of this article stated that Andrew Yang (23Ox) was happy to see both Khegan Meyers (24B) and MaKenzie Jones (22Ox, 24C) win. In fact, he stated that was happy to see Khegan Meyers (24B) and Abigail Dubinski (25B) win.
Update (3/3/23 at 6:20 p.m.): This article was updated to include a joint statement from Khegan Meyers (24B) and Abigail Dubinski (25B).

Madi Olivier (she/her) (25C) is from Highland Village, Texas, and is majoring in psychology and minoring in rhetoric, writing and information design. Outside of the Wheel, she is involved in psychology research, the Emory Brain Exercise Initiative and the Trevor Project. In her free time, you can find her trying not to fall while bouldering and obsessively listening to Hozier with her cat.