The Honor Council found a freshman in a humanities course responsible for plagiarism. The assignment was to write a self-narrative and did not require external sources. The student asked the professor if they needed to cite sources, and because of the nature of the assignment, the professor said it was not necessary. In a full hearing, the Honor Council found the student responsible for plagiarism and recommended a zero on the assignment, a one-letter grade deduction, a two-year mark on the student’s record and an educational program.

A senior in a humanities course was found not responsible for using unauthorized resources on a midterm exam. The professor reported that, although the student’s answer to an exam question was different from other students’ responses and unrelated to previous discussions from class, the student’s response was very similar to an online resource. The student provided her notes which contained the content in question. The Honor Council dismissed the case because they determined that the student remembered the material from her own notes.

A senior in a science course was found responsible for accessing course material online during an exam. The student hid a phone in a nearby bathroom to access during the exam. In an administrative hearing, the student immediately accepted responsibility. The student explained that he was overwhelmed and only intended on using the phone in the event that he could not recall information. Data from Canvas and the timing of when the student left the room showed that the event was isolated to the end of the exam. The Honor Council recommended a zero on the exam and a two-year mark on the student’s record.

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