Nothing is more refreshing and confidence-boosting than having to take care of a plant that will make you the most knowledgeable gardener in the world. Sure, you could always go for a challenge and tackle a plant that will need extra time and patience, but you could also get the plant that requires little looking over – and still look elegant as ever!

Thus, if you’re curious as to what this plant is, continue on reading below and discover its origins, growing tips, and maintenance – as you will need these when you become a gardener in the making: 

Origin Of The Dumb Cane

Named after the gardener of the Austrian Botanical Gardens, the dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) sports the same name as its grower, Joseph Dieffenbach. Additionally, it received its name of dumb cane as it can cause your mouth and throat to swell once ingested – which can ultimately lead to the eater becoming mute. So, as you’re planting the dumb cane, be sure not to touch any cut stems or not to eat any parts of these plants.

Although these plants can be harmful once ingested, some cultures use the roots, leaves, and stems as a form of birth control and even treat sexual dysfunction. Nowadays, it sports the garden and becomes an ornamental piece with its bright foliage and easy-to-grow properties.

Growing Tips

For the dumb cane to thrive in your garden, you only need to secure a good planting spot and continue watering it as it grows. Other than that, you can lay back and relax as you watch it flourish in your garden:

Sunlight Needs

The dumb cane does not prefer the full sun as it can burn the tips of the foliage. Thus, you will need to put it in an area with only a little shade for about six hours. If you did put them under the sunlight for a longer time, be sure to compensate your dumb cane by watering them.

Likewise, the ideal temperature for your dumb cane will be from 60 degrees until 70 degrees Fahrenheit. And since these plants can’t tolerate the heat, they do well in cool temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Soil And Water Needs

Moist soil is what the dumb cane needs, so you will have to water them regularly. You could check the ground on top of it still has remaining moisture before giving them a drink once again.

You would also know if your dumb canes need a drink when their bright leaves begin to droop. Furthermore, you should always check the soil of your dumb canes to be sure if it’s dry or moist.

Humidity Needs

Dumb canes will want humidity above 60 percent, but you won’t have to worry as these plants also do well in a drier atmosphere. And if you’re having trouble with maintaining your humidity, you could always put the dumb cane on a pebble tray to help the moisture reach the proper levels.

Fertilizer Needs

Before adding food for your plants, you first need to identify the correct ratio between adding too much food to thrive and giving too little, which may cause it to struggle.

When your dumb canes are growing in partial light, they will require less food than those under the full sun. Again, since these plants prefer partial light, placing them in direct sunlight will need more fertilizer for them to grow well. Lastly, you will want to feed your dumb cane every six weeks. This will ensure optimum growth of your Dieffenbachia.

Maintenance Tips

Growing your plant is one thing, as you also have to maintain and regulate its growing conditions. Furthermore, unravel the requirements for your dumb cane to grow abundantly.

Pruning Needs

Pruning isn’t a complete need for the dumb cane, but if you prefer to remove the discolored and unattractive leaves that stand out, you could always trim them off with a pair of clippers and wearing protective gloves.

Your dumb canes also can grow like palm trees – and if you’re not a big fan of this height, you could always cut the stem an inch above the ground level. Afterward, you can put the plant in an area with indirect light and moist soil. And within a few weeks, a new budding dumb cane will grow from where the base of the stem was.

If your leaves are also covered with dust, be sure to remove them and dust your leaves with a damp cloth for them to photosynthesize with ease. A happy dumb cane equates to a happy gardener. Thus, make sure that it gets the best growing environment.


The dumb cane doesn’t need much in growing, and it can even lighten up a dim room as it can survive areas with low light. Whether it be an ornamental piece in the bathroom or the kitchen, the dramatic foliage of the dumb cane could never go wrong. With this plant, growing and maintenance just got a whole lot easier, and filling up that space just got better!

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