Seizures can be a scary and difficult experience for you and your dog. While traditional medications are available, some pet owners have turned to natural remedies such as CBD oil as an alternative treatment for their pup’s seizures. Before making any decisions, educating yourself on the benefits of using CBD oil for dog seizures is important. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on using CBD oil safely and effectively to help your pup manage its seizures. 

What is CBD Oil? 

CBD stands for cannabidiol, one of the many cannabinoids found in cannabis plants (hemp and marijuana). Unlike THC, another well-known cannabinoid, CBD does not produce any psychoactive or intoxicating effects—so there is no need to worry about seeing your doggo getting high! Instead, research suggests that it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This system helps regulate many bodily functions, such as sleep, appetite, pain perception, mood regulation, inflammation response, and more. 

Studies have also shown that when administered as an oil (or capsule/treat), CBD may relieve conditions like anxiety or chronic pain in humans and animals. Reducing their severity and frequency may be beneficial in managing seizures. That said, keep in mind that the FDA has not yet approved any hemp or cannabis-derived products for medical use, so speak with your vet before giving your pup any kind of medication. 

Using CBD Oil For Dog Seizures 

If you think that CBD oil may be able to help with your dog’s seizures, it is important to first discuss it with a trusted veterinarian who specializes in animal health care before making any changes to their diet or treatment plan. Your vet will understand the specifics of your pup’s condition better than anyone else, so they can make sure that the dosage is appropriate for them and monitor their progress if needed. 

Here are some tips on what you should consider when using CBD oil for dog seizures

Dosage: Start low & go slow – When introducing anything new into your pet’s daily routine, always start with a smaller dose than what experts recommend, just in case they respond differently than expected. After a few weeks, you can slowly increase the dose until you find a level where they are comfortable without experiencing any side effects like drowsiness or reduced appetite. Remember that dogs are different, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach here. 

Quality Matters: As with most healthcare products, quality matters when choosing which type of product will be best suited for your pup’s needs. Make sure you only buy from reputable brands with third-party lab reports showing the purity of their products—this way, you can rest assured knowing what goes into each batch of oil or treats before giving them to Fido. 

Monitor Progress: Once you’ve established a comfortable dosage level for your pup’s needs, it’s important to monitor their progress over time so that you can adjust accordingly if needed—it may take some trial and error before finding out which works best! Additionally, monitoring behavior and activity levels throughout treatment will help ensure they remain safe while taking this type of medication long term.  


Using CBD oil for dog seizures can be a great way to reduce their severity and frequency. However, discussing the particulars of your pup’s condition with a veterinarian before making any changes is important. When using CBD oil, start with a smaller dose than what experts recommend and slowly increase until you find a level where they are comfortable without experiencing any side effects. 


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