Raj Patel

My name is Raj Patel, and I’m running to be your next SGA President to ensure that all voices from our diverse student body are heard and because of the experience and passion that I have in making our university a better place. Currently, I’m your SGA Governance Committee Assistant Chair and Representative-at-Large. Over the past year, I authored the proposals that led to current Oxford sophomores being able to vote in College Council elections, formally taking a stance against guns on campus and writing the resolutions and bills to support the Graduate Student Retention & Recruitment Early Childhood Education Initiative. All of these initiatives took collaboration among many student groups, and that is exactly what I intend to do in making our university a more inclusive university, gaining student input in administrative decisions, implement a printing stipend, improving SGA & student groups’ relations and including the original campus (Oxford College) in our Founders’ Week celebrations. Let’s “Say BYE to APATHY!”

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The Emory Wheel was founded in 1919 and is currently the only independent, student-run newspaper of Emory University. The Wheel publishes weekly on Wednesdays during the academic year, except during University holidays and scheduled publication intermissions.

The Wheel is financially and editorially independent from the University. All of its content is generated by the Wheel’s more than 100 student staff members and contributing writers, and its printing costs are covered by profits from self-generated advertising sales.