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Monday, March 3, 2025
The Emory Wheel

EPD Stock

Crime Report: Entering an automobile, underage drinking, invasion of privacy

The Emory Wheel regularly meets with Emory Police Department (EPD) Records Manager Ed Shoemaker (87G, 90G) and Communications Director of Campus Safety Morieka Johnson (94C, 24L) and uses EPD’s public crime log to inform the Emory University community about recent crime on and around Emory’s campuses.

To report a crime, contact EPD at 404-727-6111 or

Breaking, entering into automobile at Campus Crossings Briarcliff parking deck

EPD received an email from the general manager of the Campus Crossings Briarcliff apartment complex on Nov. 19 about an incident that occurred on Nov. 13. According to the manager, surveillance footage showed a Chrysler 200 with four men enter the parking deck at 3:25 a.m.. Two men got out, walked to a black Chevrolet, broke the rear passenger window and then appeared to steal something from the vehicle. The two men then reentered the Chrysler and, which  exited the parking deck.

EPD contacted the owner of the black Chevrolet, who confirmed that the back window of his car was broken but didn’t report anything stolen.

EPD believes that the men were looking for an item to steal but found nothing and ultimately fled the scene, according to Shoemaker. He added that EPD does not know if the group picked the black Chevrolet randomly. The case is subject to further investigation.

Eavesdropping, surveillance or invasion of privacy at Health Sciences Research Building

EPD received a complaint on Nov. 18 from a male Emory School of Medicine employee who works at the Health Sciences Research Building about an incident that took place on Nov. 13.

While using the third -floor men’s restroom, the employee noticed an unknown person holding a phone over the stall, pointing the camera down at him.

Shoemaker reported that the perpetrator immediately left the room after realizing the employee had noticed him. The complainant could only see the person’s shoes, which were gray Skechers that appeared to be size 10 or larger.

EPD does not know if the person who tried to take the photos succeeded in doing so. Additionally, EPD does not know if the person is affiliated with the University. Shoemaker noted that he is unaware if there is a surveillance camera near the bathroom that caught someone coming in and out of the room during the indicated time frame.

The degree to which EPD follows up is partly contingent on whether they receive further outreach from the complainant, according to Shoemaker.

Liquor law violation on Eagle Row

EPD and Emory Emergency Medical Service (EEMS) responded to a report of an intoxicated underage student sitting in the grass in front of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity house just after midnight on Nov. 17.

The student complained about being cold and experiencing dry heaves, according to Shoemaker. EEMS conducted a medical assessment and made “arrangements” to assist the student back to their residence hall.

EPD will not prosecute the student for underage possession of alcohol under the terms of Georgia’s medical amnesty law, Shoemaker wrote in an email to the Wheel. However, he added that EPD documented the incident and reported it to student conduct authorities, who will decide whether to pursue the incident further as a disciplinary matter.