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Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025
The Emory Wheel

Letter from Editor: Reporting Title IX cases

Content warning: This letter contains mentions of sexual assault.

The article “Good luck getting in touch with Title IX” was printed on Oct. 14 in the Wheel’s annual magazine, the Hub. The article mistakenly claimed that survivors have 180 days to report sexual misconduct. However, only the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has a 180 day deadline for reporting discrimination and harassment. Title IX cases do not have a deadline.

The article also falsely claimed that sexual misconduct reporting happens under the Title IX office, the Office of Respect and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In fact, sexual misconduct reporting only happens under the Title IX office. 

We apologize for the inaccuracy regarding the timeline and offices responsible for reporting cases. We recognize that some of our readers are survivors, and not providing them with accurate information is negligent, and we apologize for any harm and confusion this caused. This is a sensitive topic and concerns the well-being of numerous students on campus, and factual inaccuracies such as these should not occur. 

We have also received criticism that the article headline, “Good luck getting in touch with Title IX,” may discourage survivors from reporting their experiences. Our intention was not to discourage students from reporting or going to Title IX; but rather, to summarize statements the writers heard from survivors and an attorney during interviews. However, we apologize for any harm it may have caused.

While a correction was made, we would like to highlight once more that there is no deadline for reporting cases to Title IX. The online article has been updated with resources for students, as well as a correction for this inaccuracy. Emory University’s Title IX office, Office of Respect and Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are all resources students can use about instances of assault or harassment. Specifically, resources to these offices can be found here. We want to offer further resources to survivors on and around Emory’s campus, including: 



Brammhi Balarajan, Editor-in-Chief 

Sophia Ling, Executive Editor