It’s accepted that history repeats itself, but after all of the stark ideological conflicts we’ve seen, it’s unthinkable that almost four years after the 2016 Democratic presidential primary races, we’re bordering on the same divisive narrative: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) versus the establishment. This narrative focuses on the true problem we’re facing: unity. It is unity that will keep the progressive fight alive. While Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden might not have been whom many voters hoped for, the upcoming election has more important implications than simply which party controls the White House. That is why progressives should unite behind Biden; otherwise, the progressive movement lies in jeopardy.
When Sanders announced last Wednesday that he would suspend his campaign for presidency, essentially delivering Biden the Democratic nomination, it came as a blow to many progressives. A man who fought for his political agenda with unrelenting and focused passion, Sanders inspired many throughout the country, and it’s clear that he will live in history as the man who reignited the progressive movement in the U.S. His ideals will live on, and his legacy demands unity under the threat of internal strife encouraged by President Donald Trump and foreign actors.
The “Bernie or Bust” movement has surfaced once again as of mid-April. Many Sanders supporters have vowed not to vote in the upcoming general election or to vote for someone other than Biden. The hesitation to vote for Biden is understandable, and it would be naive to expect a mass turnover of Sanders supporters given the ideological differences between the two candidates. However, we must not dwell on these differences, but rather on the future of progressive politics in the U.S. It is crucial that we go into November with unity and vote for Biden.
We seem to hear every two years that the upcoming election could be one of the most consequential of our lives, but the 2020 election may very well fit this description. After surviving four years of Trump’s embarrassing actions and blatantly oppressive policies, this election offers Democrats the opportunity to not only evict him from office but also win control of all three branches of government. This will set us back on a course of action to solve the most pressing dilemmas, such as climate change, affordable healthcare and wealth inequality.
Remember that while the presidency is important, it doesn’t have to be the only goal. The Senate has grown increasingly competitive, with only three to four current Republican seats standing between the Democrats and a future of action. Democrats currently hold the House of Representatives and will likely maintain their majority. However, perhaps the most coveted prize is the judicial branch. The Supreme Court will likely experience vacancies in the coming years and soon become, depending on the identity of the next president, a bastion of either conservative or liberal legal rulings for perhaps decades to come. In the coming months, tens of years of Democratic control will be decided — the stakes are unfathomable.
The message should be obvious: the progressive fight does not end with the suspension of Sanders’ campaign. There is too much on the table to give up now. But Democrats cannot hope to achieve ambitious policy goals without unity, and we cannot achieve unity without supporting Biden as our presidential candidate. For a moment, try to forget all the noise about moderate politics, the establishment and the troubling aspects of a Biden candidacy; none of that matters given the existential threat of Trump. It’s a difficult reality to acknowledge, but we nevertheless must do so. Yes, the Democratic Party will continue to face concerns over its status as a progressive party, but because there is no other party now poised in such a position to make the push for progressivism, it is all the more necessary that we unify in time for the general election. Under the yoke of the two-party system, it’s all too possible to be shut out of power. And in this country, it’s all too easy.
If Trump does secure four more years in office, the progressive movement lies in jeopardy. Remember that when our choice is between Biden and Trump, it should be clear who offers the most realistic and progressive path forward. While it may not be easy to hear, the most pragmatic choice to continue the fight is Biden.
Spencer Moore (22C) is from Rochester, Minnesota.