A member of the mathematics or computer science department has tested positive for COVID-19, an April 7 email from Assistant Program Director Kristen Schroeder to members of the departments reads. The department member was diagnosed around March 23.
The email did not specify whether the member belongs to the mathematics department or the computer science department, which separated in September 2018.
Schroeder wrote in an April 8 email to the Wheel that health officials determined that the department did not need to be informed earlier because the individual was last on campus on March 6 and had been self-isolating since March 12. The known exposure occurred off-site.
Individuals who had been in the Mathematics and Science Center (MSC) building since March 16 have been asked to “self-isolate and carefully self monitor themselves.”

The department-wide email requests people to refrain from entering the MSC “unless absolutely essential” and to avoid touching surfaces and wear personal protective equipment if they must enter.
Schroeder said that they have sent an advisory to all who might have been in contact with the infected individual and have requested "the appropriate Emory entities to disinfect relevant surfaces and areas."