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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The Emory Wheel

Crime Report | 4.17.19

On April 4 at 4:09 p.m., Emory Police Department (EPD) received an anonymous report from a campus security authority (CSA) regarding an alleged rape. The case has not been assigned to an investigator because the CSA reported the incident to EPD for statistical purposes only.

On April 5 at 12:34 p.m., EPD responded to the School of Medicine in reference to a theft. The complainant, an Emory student, said he secured his bike to a rack on Means Drive at 7:50 a.m. When he returned at 10 a.m., he discovered his black Axiom waterproof bike bag missing from his bike. The bag contained a waterproof jacket, waterproof pants and waterproof gloves. The total value of the missing items is $320. The case has been assigned to an investigator.

On April 6 at 2:20 p.m., EPD received a fraud report via telephone. The complainant, a faculty member at Oxford College, said he received an email on April 5 at 6 p.m., allegedly from the dean of Oxford College. The sender asked the complainant to purchase five $100 iTunes gift cards. The complainant complied and emailed pictures of the bar codes to the sender. On April 6 at 5 a.m., the sender sent the complainant a second email requesting an additional five $100 gift cards. After receiving this email, the complainant messaged the dean asking if he had sent the emails, to which the dean replied that he did not. The case has been assigned to an investigator.

On April 6 at 8:08 p.m., EPD responded to Clairmont Tower in reference to a narcotics violation. The complainant, a resident adviser (RA), said she was performing room inspections when she discovered marijuana and drug paraphernalia in the living room of one of the apartments. The officer entered the apartment and found a leaf grinder with a small amount of marijuana in it, two small plastic bags containing marijuana and a bong with a small amount of marijuana in it. One of the residents in the apartment said he did not know who the drug paraphernalia belonged to. The RA called another resident of the apartment, and the subject admitted the marijuana and drug paraphernalia belonged to him. The subject came back to the apartment and the officer cited him for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana. Campus Life was notified about the incident.

On April 6 at 10:58 p.m., EPD responded to Evans Hall in reference to a narcotics violation. The complainant, an RA, said she was walking around the building when she smelled the odor of marijuana coming from a room on the third floor. She knocked on the door, and two subjects, an Emory student and a visiting student, let her in. Upon entering, she saw a bong on the coffee table and noticed a fan turned on and the window open. When the officer arrived, he asked if the two students smoked marijuana and if there was any more in the room. The two admitted to smoking but said they did not have any more marijuana in the room. Eventually, the resident opened a drawer of the coffee table and found a glass jar containing vaporized marijuana and about 13 glass vials containing THC oil. The visitor admitted to having marijuana in his backpack and gave the officer permission to open the bag. The officer found a Mason jar of marijuana, 30 mg of Adderall in a clear cellophane baggie and LSD tablets in another clear cellophane baggie. The visitor admitted he did not have a prescription for Adderall. Due to the amount of drugs located, EPD handcuffed and arrested the resident and the visitor and transported them to DeKalb County Jail. The resident was charged with felony marijuana possession over one ounce, possession of drug related objects and possession of a Schedule I controlled substance for the THC oil. The visiting student was charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana less than one ounce, drugs to be kept in original container and possession of controlled substance for the LSD tablets. Campus Life was notified about the incident.

On April 9 at 8:45 p.m., EPD took a call regarding damage to the old cafeteria construction site at Oxford College. The complainant, the project superintendent, said he closed and secured the construction area at 5 p.m. on April 8 and saw no graffiti on the walls. On April 9 at 6:30 a.m., plumbers working at the site arrived and found graffitti. There was no sign of forced entry, but the project superintendent said the southwest entry door facing the new science building was hard to secure and may have been left unlocked. The case has been assigned to an investigator.

On April 9 at 1:22 p.m., EPD received a theft report via telephone. The complainant, an Emory student, said he was at the Student Activity and Academic Center pool on April 8 at 3 p.m. and placed his belongings on a pool side chair. When he returned to the chair at 4 p.m., he discovered his wallet and Apple iPhone 6S were missing. The complainant contacted Chase and placed a block on his credit card. He later received an email from Chase attempting to verify a $324 purchase on He informed them it was an unauthorized purchase. The wallet contained a Texas driver’s license, an Emory student ID card, a Chase Freedom credit card and a Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance card. The total value of the missing items is $300. The case has been assigned to an investigator.