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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The Emory Wheel

Crime Report | 4.24.19

On April 11 at 4:15 p.m., Emory Police Department (EPD) responded to the Longstreet-Means Parking Deck in reference to a theft. The complainant, an Emory student, said a Fuji bicycle was stolen from Emory Bike Social Club’s storage space in the parking deck sometime between March 30 and April 11. The bicycle was secured by a bicycle lock that was severed. According to the complainant, anyone who resides in Longstreet Means can enter the storage area and it is also accessible by climbing over the glass. The complainant said Emory Transportation and Parking Services donated the bicycle to the club, and he did not know the bike’s estimated value. The case has been assigned to an investigator.

On April 12 at 8:41 p.m., EPD responded to the Student Activity and Academic Center (SAAC) in reference to a report of a person refusing to leave. The complainant, an Emory student and SAAC employee, said she caught the subject trying to enter the gym without paying and asked him to leave. The subject initially complied, but the complainant later saw him on the basketball court. The complainant called EPD because SAAC policy dictates that employees must call EPD if someone is caught inside the facility without paying. The subject admitted to the officers that he snuck onto the court without paying. The officers issued the subject a criminal trespass warning.

On April 12 at 10:25 p.m., EPD responded to a fire alarm at 15 Eagle Row, the Sigma Phi Epsilon and Beta Theta Pi house. Facilities Management (FM) and DeKalb County Fire Rescue also responded to the scene. FM personnel determined that the fire alarm was set off by smoke in one of the bedrooms and told EPD that the area smelled of marijuana. The officer met with the two occupants of the room and asked if either of them had been smoking marijuana or if someone had been in their room smoking. Both replied that they do not smoke. One of the occupants pointed out that the smoke detector was missing and stated it must have fallen off and broken, causing the alarm to go off. The officer left the room to check with FM personnel regarding the smoke detector. They told him the smoke detector was in place when they arrived, but they removed it so the alarm could be reset. The officer came back, opened the door to the shared bathroom and found a bong that contained a green leafy substance. When the officer stepped back into the room, neither of the occupants were present. The officer went into the hall to try to find the occupants, and when he entered the bathroom again he discovered the green leafy substance was no longer present in the bong. The officer spoke with Campus Life in an attempt to relocate the occupants. When interviewed, neither of the room’s occupants admitted to owning the bong. The officer confiscated the paraphernalia but did not issue any citations since no one admitted to owning it. Campus Life was notified about the incident.

On April 13 at 12:28 a.m., EPD responded to Woodruff Residential Center in reference to a report of marijuana possession. The complainant, a resident adviser (RA), said a student notified her of a strong odor of marijuana coming from a room on the third floor. The RA knocked on the door, entered the room and confirmed both of the residents had been smoking marijuana. When the officer arrived, he noticed a grinder and bulb and confiscated them. The officer cited both of the residents for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. Campus Life was notified about the incident.

On April 16 at 12:01 a.m., EPD responded to the Callaway Memorial Center in reference to an alleged anti-Muslim message written in chalk and spray paint outside of the building. When the officer arrived, he found the message, “No Money For A Muslim Space But Sterk Gets A New Office.” The officer spoke with some students who were on the Quadrangle and they said the message was in reference to Muslims not having a safe space at Emory. There were multiple messages on the sidewalk of the Quad related to University President Claire E. Sterk’s “$20 million new office” and how the students could have benefited from the money instead of building a new office. Facilities Management arrived on the scene and said they would attempt to remove the messages. The estimated cost of cleaning up the spray paint was $200. Campus Life was notified about the incident.

On April 16 at 2:13 p.m., EPD received an anonymous report from a campus security authority (CSA) regarding an alleged rape that occurred on April 15. The case has not been assigned to an investigator because the CSA reported the incident to EPD for statistical purposes only.

On April 16 at 10:13 p.m., EPD responded to Peet’s Coffee and Tea on the first floor of the Robert W. Woodruff Library in reference to a theft. The complainant, a Peet’s Coffee employee, said that a male stole a sandwich and soda. The sandwich sells for $7 and the soda sells for $2.89, according to the employee. The complainant said that the subject occasionally comes into the store and purchases a sandwich, gets the receipt and leaves. The subject then returns a few hours later and takes the same item he purchased earlier but does not pay for it. The subject often steals items when the employees are busy and their backs are turned, the employee said. The complainant said she occasionally gives the subject items for free because he does not have the money for them. Library security said the subject usually frequents the seventh floor. The officer was unable to locate the subject but advised security to call EPD if the subject returns. Later that night, EPD was dispatched again to Peet’s Coffee because the subject returned. The officer asked the subject to step outside with him to talk about what was going on. When the officers explained that they were there to investigate a theft, the subject became defensive. The subject denied stealing anything and said that he was allowed to take some items. The officer issued the subject a criminal trespass from Emory University. The case has been assigned to an investigator.