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Monday, Sept. 16, 2024
The Emory Wheel

Crime Report | 2.14.18

On Feb. 6 at 3:15 p.m., Emory Police Department (EPD) responded to a call regarding a theft by taking at Emory Point. The complainant, who is not Emory-affiliated, reported that she parked her 2014 Chrysler 200 in the Emory Point parking garage across from EarthFare. At 2 p.m., the complainant went to her vehicle for a cigarette break. When she returned to her vehicle at 2:40 p.m. after she clocked out of work, she discovered that her car was propped on a cinder block and the front passenger side tire and five lug nuts were missing. The complainant reported no items from her vehicle missing. The tire and the lug nuts are valued at $200 total. The case has been assigned to an investigator.  

On Feb. 6 at 7:39 p.m., EPD responded to a call regarding simple battery. An Emory student reported that after he pulled out of his driveway onto North Decatur Road, an Emory CCTMA Route bus began tailgating him. At the intersection of North Decatur Road and Clairmont Road, the complainant exited his vehicle to confront the bus driver for what he perceived to be aggressive driving. He asked the driver for his name, but when the driver refused to answer, the complainant took out his cell phone to take a picture of the driver. The complainant said the bus driver slapped the complainant’s hand through the window, causing him to drop the phone. The driver closed his window and said something unintelligible before driving away. The complainant memorized the bus’ license number and described the driver as a bald, black male in his mid 40s with a round face and wide nose. There was no damage to the cell phone. The responding officer told the complainant to call 911 in the future instead of approaching drivers. The case has been assigned to an investigator.

On Feb. 9 at 11:14 a.m., EPD responded to a call from the Michael C. Carlos Museum regarding harassing communications. An officer met with two Emory staff members from the Art History Department who reported that an unknown individual has been repeatedly calling and sending them emails regarding Shaman-related artifacts that the individual allegedly found near a horse track in Conyers, Ga. The complainants reported that the individual is obsessed with the artifacts and wanted someone from Emory to help authenticate them, according to the staff members. The individual is reported to have called five times within 30 minutes Feb. 5 and has sent more than 100 emails to one of the complainants over the past year. One of the complainant’s acquaintances, who works at Georgia State University, has also received calls and emails from the same individual. The case has been assigned to an investigator.

On Feb. 9 at 6 p.m., EPD responded to a call from an Emory student regarding a poster placed on an Emory Police blue light phone. The student reported that she found a poster that read “Immigrants Welcome. Racists F**k Off” attached to the phone outside Alabama Hall facing Asbury Circle. The officer notified Facilities Management of the poster. The case has been assigned to an investigator.  

On Feb. 11 at 12:08 p.m., an EPD officer was approached by an Emory student who stated someone had entered his automobile. The complainant parked his friend’s 2017 Jeep Cherokee in an Emory Point parking garage at 4 a.m. When he returned to the car at noon, he discovered the back passenger side window shattered. The complainant reported his black JanSport backpack that contained a Lenovo laptop valued at $1,200, a bottle of Adderall valued at $15, a bottle of Prozac valued at $15, two pairs of headphones and a bottle of Mount Gay Rum valued at $35 missing. The owner of the vehicle, another Emory student, also reported that a pair of sunglasses were missing from the vehicle. The total value for the missing items is $1,265. The case has been assigned to an investigator.