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Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
The Emory Wheel

Letter to the Editor: In Favor of the Sanctuary Campus

The arguments against sanctuary status for Emory University are based on the premise that Emory is a victim, rather than an institution with considerable power and agency. Rather than letting state and federal governments boss it around, as the third largest employer in Atlanta and one of the largest in the state of Georgia, Emory should start calling some of the shots. Yes, there would be a price to pay: this would require leadership from students, faculty, administrators and the new president. Sanctuary status, rather than a hollow symbol as the editorial board of The Emory Wheel would describe it, is about Emory actually working toward the excellence it so widely advertises. Rather than Emory’s obsession with perpetual ascendancy in the national rankings, the University might think about the notion of where justice comes into play in achieving a high quality education.

Craig Womack is an Associate Professor from the English Department.