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Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
The Emory Wheel

Letter to the Editor

To anybody that has read Daniel Park’s article, “DJ Rehab is Generic, Repetitive on McDonough,” I’m sure you can appreciate that the one thing that was repetitive was the amount of times a student offering to open the concert for free was maliciously stacked up to a professional, international DJ. I’m not here to make a fuss of this; I’m just very disappointed at the lack of professionalism that went into this review. First off, I doubt that any research went into reviewing the Homecoming Concert, because I’m sure if the author knew I was an Emory College junior, I would hope he wouldn’t have gone at my throat as much as he did. It is one thing to give a negative critique about even a student performance, but I felt personally attacked by a fellow student in a publication that is supposed to promote the University.

Second, I am very disappointed about the false comments regarding my performance. Unless he was reviewing the songs played intermittently by the production crew’s iPod, the author said I played only top-50 hits, and criticized me for playing a song that I actually didn’t. How credible can he be after inserting false comments in a review? It’s a shame that this was yet another story that was unappreciative of all the work SPC does to make campus a better place to be, and moving forward I’m sure everybody would like to see more hype in the school paper rather than reviews that make these events feel like the lesser option for the night. I would once again like to publicly thank SPC for featuring me at this event, and hope to continue to perform at others. For anybody who wants to hear a more widespread opinion of the concert, just ask any student that was in attendance that night.


Much love, Cheddy.

DJ Cheddy is a College senior from Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania