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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Emory Wheel

Rising Junior Responds to Recent Violence

Rebecca Upton

I’m not one for writing about politics, but given the recent onslaught of violent events, I felt I had to say something.

These last few weeks have been weeks from hell. Police have taken lives and lost their lives. There have been terrorist attacks in Istanbul, Dhaka and Nice. Hundreds of innocents have died because of organizations and individuals that espouse hatred and ignorance.

This week has mattered. It’s brought attention to injustice in America. It’s brought attention to the cruelty that can befall society when we are not vigilant. And I think that to a certain extent this week has brought my attention to the power of love.

Yes, love.

I sat in the car today, reading about how an Emory student in my marketing class had been killed in the terrorist attacks in Dhaka. We had never been close friends, but we had shared experiences. We answered the same questions in class, worked together on the same projects. Many of his struggles were my struggles. I felt his presence in class, and I knew that he had a kind soul and a caring heart. And after reading of his death, I was incredibly overcome by the realization that I would never again have the chance to know him, to understand him truly. I would never again have a chance to sit down and tell him that I appreciated him.

Don’t miss that chance.

Right now, people are angry. They have a right to be. But each of these unspeakable acts was committed by individuals riddled with animosity towards a people that they did not value or understand. I know it seems like something horrendous is happening everyday. However, these deplorable individuals and the atmosphere of fear and negativity that they collectively create are not typical. Constant media coverage of these tragedies has overshadowed the goodness that I believe every human truly possesses.

We must overcome this hatred. The proverbial saying that one spoiled apple can ruin the whole bunch must not hold true. Change will come from mutual understanding and acceptance, not violence and hatred. Be understanding. Be compassionate. Do not let the others’ negative voices drown out your hope and your passion.

Your life matters. Your life matters because you are a human being wielding the power to make a difference in the lives of others. Appreciate the small things. Hug your mother. Hug your brother. Show a stranger a random act of kindness. Tell someone that you love them. Life is a gift, a blessing bestowed upon us at the beginning of each day. Therefore, appreciate those who are around you and soak in their presence, because in spite of all the evil there is still good.

In these difficult times, broadcast your hope and optimism louder than any radio signal. Overshadow the words of reporters with your own expressions of peace. Do not let this hatred overcome you and do not be discouraged! Remember, do good unto others, and good things shall come.

If we come together as a positive force, change shall soon waken upon the horizon.