On Nov. 20, leaders from the Emory community came together to support the relationship between the United States and Israel. Cliff May, the founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a national security think tank in Washington D.C., spoke with these leaders about the importance of this relationship and the vast amount of military, security and intelligence cooperation that makes the United States and Israel safer and stronger. We also discussed the academic relationship between Emory University and universities in Israel where students are able to study abroad. This statement of support recognizes that the U.S.-Israel relationship is beneficial for both parties and helps further American interests in the region, including a peaceful resolution to the Palestine Israel conflict.
Declaration of Support for Israel at Emory University:
We, as student leaders at Emory University, recognize the special bond between the United States and the State of Israel. Our support for this unbreakable bond stems from Israel and the United States' shared Western values of equal rights for all people regardless of race, gender, creed, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. Like America, Israel is a strong democracy, a symbol of freedom, an oasis of liberty and a home to the oppressed and persecuted. Israel's medical breakthroughs, technological achievements, agricultural advancements, environmental stewardship and defense intelligence have contributed to improving the lives of all people across the globe.We also recognize that Israel has entered into agreements with its neighbors when the U.S.-Israel relationship has been strong and that the continuing strength of that relationship promotes American values and interests, including reaching a peaceful, negotiated resolution to the Palestine-Israel conflict.
Based on the aforementioned reasons, we support the continuing prosperity of the U.S.-Israel relationship as a mutually beneficial alliance that furthers world peace, global health and security among all nations. We are committed to fostering this relationship on the Emory campus.
Raj Tilwa, Student Government Association (SGA) President (Senior in the College) Max Zoberman, SGA Vice President (Junior in the College) Andrew Alter, Hillel President (Junior in the College) Jordan Curwin, Emory-Israel Public Affairs Committee (EIPAC) President (Senior in the College) Samantha Resin, Chabad Executive Board (Sophomore in the College) Alyssa Weinstein, College Council (CC) President (Senior in the College) Sheena Desai, CC Vice President (Senior in the College) Aaron Karas, Emory Students for Israel (ESI) President (Senior in the College) Laura Flint, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) On Campus at Emory President (Senior in the College) Kyle Adams, Residence Hall Association (RHA) President (Junior in the College) Amelia Sims, College Republicans President (Senior in the College) Nikita Kovalenko, College Republicans Vice President (Junior in the College) Matt Smoot, Greek Pride Alliance Vice President (Senior in the College)