Sophomore outfielder Wilson Morgan has batted .545 over the past four games, with a .322 average on the season. He’s majoring in business. He was also named Athlete of the Week by this week.
Emory Wheel: How does it feel having such a strong season?
Wilson Morgan: This season, I’ve been more comfortable on the field. I’ve been working hard and have definitely seen improvement throughout the season.
EW: Do you ever let the success get to your head?
WM: No, I try not to.
EW: The baseball team had a rocky start at the beginning of the season, but the team seems to have rebounded since. To what do you attribute this?
WM: We were in a similar situation last season. When our lives are on the line and we’re trying to make playoffs, we have to step up.
EW: What’s your favorite pitch to hit?
WM: As a lefty, I’d have to say the low inside fastball.
EW: Are there any trick pitches thrown in the league, for example a spitball?
WM: One of our pitchers threw a knuckleball one time; I think that’s pretty much the extent of it.
EW: What’s your favorite professional baseball team?
WM: Atlanta Braves.
EW: Where are you from?
WM: I’m from Atlanta.
EW: What are your plans for the summer?
WM: Probably just stay in Atlanta, work at some baseball camps and workout.
Two Minute Drill with Wilson Morgan
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