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Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024
The Emory Wheel

Students Speak Out About Needed Changes


Emory University. Some of us have been here for years, while others are just beginning to get used to appreciating the little things this university has to offer. We go to class, eat, sleep and do just about everything else within the 631 acres we call home. While Emory students have many reasons to love their school, the Wheel asked students what they would change about Emory if they had the chance. Here's what we found:

Lack of School Spirit: "If more people came to sporting events, we would have a lot more school spirit!" – College freshman Michelle Menzies

Housing: "Emory's housing system should perhaps look into moving to a residential college system similar to that of Yale & Rice University. This would help foster a more close-knit Emory community." – College senior Tanmay Bangale

The Social Scene: "It's too one-dimensional. "While I don't judge people for going to frats, it gets boring.  It would be awesome if there were more things going on in Emory Village.  For example, there should be student concerts and a venue (like a bar of sorts) for the shows.  It would be nice to get off campus without having to spend money on a cab." – College freshman Taylor Mehalko

Document Services: "I would change the name of 'Document Services' to 'DUCument Services.' Get it?" – College sophomore Moises Abadi

Stress: "Less stress associated with tests." – College freshman Rahul Nair

Number of Shuttles on the Weekend: "It is not enough for all students to make it to their classes or meetings on time even if they arrive twenty minutes early. I would love to see a change in the amount of shuttles or the system in which it runs!"– College junior Meera Patel

Sexual Assault Response: "More campus-wide security against sexual harassment" – College sophomore Ria Sabnis

Music: "It would be nice to have more pianos in random areas around campus."– College freshman Bryan Leue

Student Mindset: "I would change the pre-professional mindset of Emory's people," Patel stated. "I don't think Emory fosters this nature, because ultimately, we are a liberal arts college but I think a majority of the people come in with a preconceived notion of a set career path. By doing so [adhering to a pre-professional mindset], people will hopefully indulge in education leading to excellence, not education leading to success."– College senior Vibhuti Pate

Emory's Reputation "We're doing amazing things," he said, "and it disappoints me to hear students say that no one knows what Emory even is back home."– College freshman Zach Denton

Summer Work: "I would encourage Emory College to recommend summer reading books for all of the freshman. Not long, or overly difficult books and certainly not mandatory ones (that would take all the fun out of reading them) but just books to get the students thinking.

These books would give the incoming freshman a starting point for intellectual conversations among their peers, which is something I don't hear enough of outside of the classroom." – College freshman Tera Robinson

-- By Sunidhi Ramesh, Contributing Writer