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Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024
The Emory Wheel

'Security Squad' Provides Serious Security

Thomas Han/Photography Editor College junior Rhett Henry (left) and College sophomore Ben Crais (right) of Secuirty Squad stare deeply into each others eyes, communicating their affection for superb security.
Thomas Han/Photography Editor College junior Rhett Henry (left) and College sophomore Ben Crais (right) of Secuirty Squad stare deeply into each others eyes, communicating their affection for superb security.

College junior and Editorials Editor Rhett Henry and College sophomore Ben Crais have created a unique opportunity for students who like to party. The Atlanta-based duo, better known as "Security Squad," provides security for a myriad of social functions. Henry, a double major in Creative Writing and Philosophy, and Crais, a Film major, first appeared as Security Squad at a birthday party in February of last year. As their Facebook page states, "the pair is committed to making things get weird and stay weird, but not in a bad way." Their mission? Security. Their motive? Efficient partying.

Though the two have ridiculously packed schedules, I fortunately had a chance to sit down with them and get better glimpse of their methods and lives outside of their profession as well as inquire about any future events where you may see them.

Priyanka Krishnamurthy: How did you two meet?

Rhett Henry: We met at a security-less party.

Ben Crais: We recognized each other from our 8:30 a.m. logic class.

RH: Like ships passing in the night...

PK: Why did Security Squad originate?

RH: We went to a lot of parties. Weird parties. We learned what made a party good and what made a party bad.

BC: Security Squad was bound to will itself into being out of that kind of atmosphere.

PK: Is there an internal system that you two follow to ensure that parties stay at the right level of weird? Perhaps a dress code to distinguish your roles?

RH: We have a dynamic.

BC: It organically arose in our first party situation, and we've been perfecting the dynamic ever since.

RH: It's good cop/bad cop.

BC: He's the good cop.

RH: He's the bad cop.

BC: The first party we worked got busted by an RA and we had to get everyone out ASAP.

RH: While I was asking people to leave calmly, I noticed Ben shouting.

BC: Finally, we combined our methods to work simultaneously.

RH: Try being politely asked to leave while someone screams at you.

PK: Hypothetical situation: You've been hired at a party that has an enforced guest list. Though this list is unnecessarily long, you must oblige to the requests of your employer. Someone walks up and tells you that they're not on the list, but that they know the host "through a class" they had together in their first year of college. Ever since that "one time" they partnered up for a presentation in "that one class," they've been attached at the hip. The host is no where to be seen to confirm. What do you do?

RH: One of us finds the host...

BC: While the other distracts him/her/them.

PK: Hypothetical situation: COPS! What do you do?

RH: "Everyone!! Get out! The cops are on the way!"

BC: If exit isn't an option, gather people away from the door.

RH: We gather our senses and prepare to smooth talk.

PK: Hypothetical situation: Someone turns off Kanye West because they think "he's overrated." What do you do?

BC: If it's the host, that's their right.

RH: But if it's not, then we shut it down.

PK: Hypothetical situation: Someone insults Lil B "The Based God," but it doesn't phase the host considering they don't know who he is because apparently they have been living under a rock for the past few years and don't know what good music is or, I guess, the internet. What do you do?

BC: Honestly, that's inexcusable.

RH: Security Squad prays solely to The Based God, and we won't let it go lightly.

BC: Little known fact: Security Squad is an offshoot of the Lil B Task Force.

RH: Protect Lil B at ALL costs.

PK: As full-time Emory students, how do you balance your professional, academic and social lives?

RH: Do we?

PK: What other commitments do you two have, be that extracurricular or academic?

RH: I do the Wheel and am heavily involved with WMRE. I also work with the program Scholars Teaching Scholars.

BC: I'm also on the WMRE Exec board and involved with the literary magazine Lullwater Review.

PK: Any weird talents? Obviously outside of providing unquestionably solid security.

RH: There's only security.

BC: There's only security.

PK: When's your next event?

RH: We're moonlighting at WMRE Prom this weekend.

BC: And we'll also be squadding an upcoming house party.

RH: Squad.

BC: Forever.

If you are interested in hiring Security Squad for any functions you have coming up check out their Facebook page ( and/or email Henry at and Crais at

– By Priyanka Krishnamurthy