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Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024
The Emory Wheel


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Aries(3/21-4/19) This week you are feeling creative, original and a little unpredictable. The Sun and Uranus are lined up at the perfect angle to help you make plans and come up with unique solutions. Taurus(4/20-5/20) You will be feeling like a perfectionist this week, Taurus, but in a good way! Take the time to polish off projects that you have been working on for a long time, and someone may notice your expertise. Gemini (5/21-6/21) Your routine has you feeling a little "over it." Don't be shy trying to shake up your activities and hang out with some new friends. Do something fun and you will get more done! Cancer(6/22-7/22) Try to take things one step at a time this week, Cancer. You have a lot of projects that need finishing, but you can't tackle them all at once. Completing little tasks will help you feel more productive. Leo(7/23-8/22) Change is coming your way, Leo! It may be a change of scenery, career or a social change, but either way you should be prepared for a fun new adventure. Embrace the new opportunities. Virgo(8/23-9/22) With the Sun and Uranus both lined up in Aries, your house of extremes is fired up. This means that you will find moments of extreme happiness, but also be prepared for some potentially unpleasant emotions. Libra(9/23-10/22) Your love life has been a bit confusing lately, but a new attraction is on its way. Not only will a love interest be looking for you, but you will have a burst of confidence to take advantage of the opportunity. Scorpio (10/23-11/21) This is a good week to be thinking about humanitarian endeavors. Whether you have a friend in need or a community project to participate in, you will feel especially fulfilled by helping others. Sagittarius(11/22-12/21) Your sense of humor should be in full gear this week, Sagittarius. You have some large projects ahead of you, so try not to take things too seriously or you will get overwhelmed. Capricorn(12/22-1/19) With the Sun and Uranus in perfect alignment, luck is coming your way, Capricorn. Don't be surprised if you find success where you often struggled, or if projects start falling into place. Aquarius (1/20-2/18) Take some time to broaden your social scene this week, Aquarius. Try a new activity, grab lunch with a different friend, or go out to a restaurant. New scenery will excite your free spirit. Pisces (2/19-3/20) This will be a week of multitasking for you. Fortunately, with the Sun and Uranus in line, your house of efficiency will be ready to back up even your most exhausting tasks.   -By Celia Greenlaw