Try not to forget where your bread has been buttered. Give back to the people who have had your back in the past, even if this might not sound exciting. It will pay off.
You will struggle with the concept of knowing when to break the rules or play it safe. This week, you should do both. Just be sure you consider the consequences of your decision.
Emotionally, this week will be intense. Don't be surprised if your feelings get the best of you at times. Think ahead and jump into planning spring break with friends. A beach vacation is just what you need.
Get ready; it's your time to shine. Jump into the spotlight as the full moon marks your official entrance into 2014. The next two weeks, your ambitions will be in super drive.
Make it your mission to get back into the goodwill grind. This is a great week to pay it forward. So give your time to a charitable endeavor, and you'll leave with a feel-good high.
As the moon makes its way into your success sector, you will skyrocket to the top of your game. The throne officially belongs to you, so savor this opportunity to call the shots. Your friends will be thankful someone effective is taking charge.
Don't hold back, humble Libra. You'll be in high demand as the month goes on – just because you're starting it off alone, does not mean you'll end it that way.
This week, competition will serve as the only fuel to your fire. As the moon activates your fierceness factor, you are in it to win it. Just be careful not to become too cutthroat or you won't enjoy the chase.
While the sun blazes into Aquarius for the next month, your social butterfly nature will be flying high. Don't hesitate to crack a joke or share a funny story because you'll find everybody laughing.
As the Sun spends its first full week in your house of vocation, your worker bee mode sets in again. If you've been slacking since the holidays, make up for it by focusing now. Do what you need to do to get the job done.
Your birthday time has officially begun! Regardless of the date, take the next four weeks to dream about the year ahead. Light the candles, envision your time to come, and make a wish. You may be pleased by the magic that unfolds.
Relax and let go. This begins a month-long healing journey for your soul. So turn up your favorite Pandora playlist, take warm showers, meditate. Free yourself from that which no longer benefits you.
Horoscopes by Samantha Goodman