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Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024
The Emory Wheel

The Wheel Interviews Itself: Exec Board

Wondering about the students behind Emory's only student-run newspaper? You're in luck! Student Life interviewed the Wheel's new Executive Board for the 2013-14 school year to uncover their deepest secrets and wildest dreams.

How did you get involved with the Wheel? Arianna: There was a puppet show I wanted to write an article about ... because puppet shows are cool. And Evan (former Editor-in-Chief) said, "Do it!" Jordan: I went to the interest meeting. And was very interested. Lane: Pitched a review of the Avett Brothers concert

What's your favorite section of the Wheel? A: I love all sections equally J: Copy editors because they're nice and quiet but also know how to have fun. L: The Spoke, cause haha "section."

Who is the best-looking person at the Wheel? A: That's really hard to answer. We're all so ridiculously good-looking. J: What Arianna said. L: A tie between Jenna Kingsley and Lizzie Howell. <3.

Favorite place to eat in Emory Village or Emory Point? A: I love that little organic cafe that serves vegan and veggie-friendly options. Their coffee is fair trade, and all their veggies are fresh and locally-grown. Oh wait, that place doesn't exist ... I hate the Village. J: Chipotle ... Short and sweet, unlike Arianna's answer. L: Steady Hand Pour House :(

If you could create any club at Emory, what club would you create? A: The Wheel ... I'd recreate it. It's that cool. J: The Student Life Fan Club (you're welcome). L: Synergy (a happiness club my friend is in charge of).

What's your major? A: Psychology and Linguistics J: Journalism and History L: English and English

Favorite, least favorite food? A: Coffee; Pickles J: Pizza; Celery. L: Lobster; Cheese.

Worst fear? A: Not getting the paper out. J: Death... and filler text in pull quotes. L: Loneliness.

Something that's really popular with people your age that you just don't understand? A: Twitter! I just don't get it ... or Tumblr or anything on the internet. J: Pinterest ... though I'm not sure if it's really popular? L: Running as a form of exercise; excessive enthusiasm for running; social media updates about running

Describe your typical Thursday night: A: Chilling at the Wheel J: Partying ... at the Wheel offices. L: Wheelin' and Dealin'

Describe your perfect date: A: Chilling at the Wheel J: There's no such thing as "perfect." L: I go to Emory, what is a "date."

What era of the past do you most belong in? Why? A: The 60s. I shouldn't go into it. J: The 2000s because I use computers. L: I'm ~living in the moment~.

If you were famous, what would you be famous for? A: I'd be the singer of an all-girl 90s rock band J: The "InDesign crashes" meme L: Choreographer of "The Lane"