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Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024
The Emory Wheel

Dear Doolina: Asking for Answers

Dear Doolina,

I think I have more work than is actually possible to do. How do I deal with this?

– Swamped

Dear Swamped,

Assuming what you say is true and that you took on too much this semester and literally don't have enough time or energy to do everything you need to do, then here's what you should do:

For the rest of the semester, figure out what work is necessary for your classes and what work isn't necessary (I promise you, some of it isn't necessary). Do what is necessary and anything else you reasonably have time to do. It's okay if you don't do all your homework, as long as you go about it strategically.

Moving forward, the important thing is to learn from this semester. So, when choosing your classes for the fall, lessen your workload a bit. You will thank yourself next semester.




Dear Doolina,

What do you do when your friends tag really embarrassing pictures of you on Facebook?

– Tagged in all the Wrong Places

Dear Tagged,

There are embarrassing pictures that are funny, and there are embarrassing pictures that cross the line. If the picture is embarrassing in a funny, non-malicious way, then leave it alone, and soon enough only your Facebook stalker will know it exists. If it's so embarrassing that it's not funny, then untag yourself and/or report the picture, depending on how bad it is.




Dear Doolina,

How do I convince my friends that I'm not weird?

 – Odd One Out

Dear Odd One Out,

Your friends are supposed to be the ones who accept you for your weirdness, not reject you for it. My friends like me even though I'm a skeleton wearing a dress! My point is, if you're actively trying to convince your friends that you're not weird, either get new friends or stop trying to prove that you're not weird. Let them love you for your weirdness, not in spite of it!




Dear Doolina,

I read on Emory Secrets that guys at Emory can be cute but never have nice butts. So, while sitting at Jazzman's, I decided to strategically spy on the boys in line to see if they had good butts. Unfortunately, the author of the secret was correct – none of the boys had cute butts. This is an important issue to me, what do I do?

– No Ifs, Ands or Butts

Dear No Ifs, Ands or Butts,

I have two questions for you:

1) Why are you voluntarily spending time at Jazzman's? That's like going to eat at the DUC when you don't have a meal plan that forces you to do so.

2) Have you considered joining "I like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie" Anonymous? I've heard Sir Mix-a-Lot found it extremely helpful.

I think your answers to these questions will show you what you have to do.




Have questions for Doolina? Submit them at