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Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024
The Emory Wheel

Our Opinion: New Committee Has Potential

Emory's College Council is accepting applications for a student-run advisory committee that will meet regularly with College Dean Robin Forman once a month.

CC will be accepting eight to 10 students for the committee and is looking for a diverse group of students from different cultural and academic backgrounds. Two of the committee's members will be from College Council. The purpose of the committee is to increase transparency and dialogue between the administration and the student body.

We at the Wheel applaud College Council's proactive step in improving student-administration relations, especially after the controversial department changes that were enacted in mid-September. We strongly suggest that the students chosen take steps to understand how the University, College and administration functions so that their discussions and suggestions are as thoughtful as possible.

Furthermore, we hope that Council properly filters applications so that students who are chosen positively represent the entirety of the student body as closely as possible. In that effort, we believe that the Council should accept more than eight to 10 students. Perhaps 15 students would come closer to representing the student body, but choosing less than a dozen is most certainly too limited. We also recognize that too many students on the committee could be unproductive.

Once the committee is formed, it's important that the founding members be proactive in establishing a solid organizational structure. We hope that members plan to meet outside of their single meeting with Forman to talk among themselves before presenting plans and suggestions.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of this committee will depend on the degree to which Forman is forthcoming with students and, conversely, the degree to which students actively engage Forman. Considering this is the first time such a committee has existed, we look forward to seeing this committee's development in the coming months and its contribution to the Emory community.

The above staff editorial represents the majority opinion of the Wheel's editorial board.