Compiled by Jenna Kingsley
Special Features/Social Media Editor
Based on Alex Rosenfeld's article "Love Transcends Cheesy Adjectives," Nov. 18
By Darby Jardeleza
I read somewhere that love transcends all words
Of adjectival nature, as they're trite.
I also read that metaphors, like birds,
May sing but still have hollow bones for flight
That break. Such metaphors–though fly they might
In poetry and prose alike–must draw
On other things as if you just weren't quite
Enough an inspiration, source of awe
Though you surprise me more than all I ever saw.
Based on second entry in Police Record, Nov. 14
By Micah Dettweiler
Two men of law ycladd in costume grim
Did amble justly down dark Eagle Row
When saw they straight a wight in front of them
Unthinking drop a joint as white as snow
And as when dam is burst and waters flow
The law thus rent, policemen quick did pounce
Regretted much the wight his smoky woe
As justice did the good police pronounce:
Citation for possession of a weedy ounce.
Based on Ben Crais and Anusha Ravi's editorial "Emory Community Should Question Israel," Nov. 25 and Alyssa Weinstein's and Nate Silverblatt's "Ask Us Why We Love Israel," Nov. 25
By GiGi Moody
Peace can be such an evil utterance,
How double sided our ideals can be,
Peace is blood dripping from his countenance
Peace is the ignorance of you and me.
War and death but they call it Peace you see,
And with both sides hurling bombs all along,
Who has the right to claim peace as their plea?
This bullshit has been going on too long,
Please believe me when I say that both sides are wrong.
Based on Jake Choi's "'Interstellar' Shoots For Moon, Lands Among Stars," Nov. 11
By Hiro Kusumoto
We leave the Earth to search the new frontier
Into the unexplored: the depths of space
The vast expanse-we learn from it each year.
While Europe's mission tried to lead the race
The other nations show they keep the pace.
Has Nolan's Interstellar guessed it right?
The film is fantasy, but in our case,
Is our burden to heavenward take flight?
If Earth should die, is there another home in sight?
Based on "Doolina Relieves Senior Stress," Nov. 14
By Lily Kronfeld
Doolina is the coolest girl at school
Although she has no curves she's quite a sight
Dooley and his skeleton friends all drool
She parties and loves to have fun at night
She tells Dooley to go and fly a kite
Styloid radius ulna and femur
With perfect measurements that are just right
These white strong shiny bones are quite demure
We have a new mascot that promotes girl power.
Correction 12/8 11:00 p.m.: The article was updated to correct the authors of the editorials. Anusha Ravi and Ben Crais co-wrote"Emory Community Should Question Israel" and Alyssa Weinstein and Nate Silverblatt co-wrote "Ask Us Why We Love Israel." The authors were originally switched.
The Emory Wheel's Articles in Poetry Form
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